About NBN
NBN mission is to create a business network between the players in the mature markets with the future leaders of the industry in the emerging markets.
We prospect, promote, and inform all the stakeholders in the energy, water, construction, and petrochemical sectors for the benefit and growth of NBN members.
What we do
Market Intelligence
Information is not power. The use of information creates a powerful dynamic for our members. Our editorial and marketing team has only one objective: to bring value to the market. We are only digging for opportunities that we share with our members and the business community.
We asked our members and hundreds of prospects, face to face, what do they want. Based on our survey, conducted in four continents, we focused on five main areas:
- Business Activities & Projects;
- Marketing & Strategy;
- Procurement & Supply Chain;
- Safety & Regulation;
- Technology
We carefully edit our information. Our editorial team keeps the information short, straight to the point, and focused into a call for action.
What we do
Branding & Promotion
The Fairs
We cooperate with the Fairs. Our definition of “Fair” includes Exhibition, Forum, Workshop, Conference, Seminars, and Webinars. We act either as a bridge of communication or perform as a subcontractor.
We assess the value of the Fair for our members, and we suggest three options:
- We encourage them to come as a participant when the field is their business.
- We suggest promoting their business either in a corporate booth or in a pavilion if their clients and new customers plan to visit the Fair.
- We support some of our members to become a sponsor of the Fair if the outcome has tangible strategic value for their sales and marketing activities.
The Internet
We use comprehensive internet tools, including our website and social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), to brand and promote our members. We publish their success and share their leadership skills in the community.
We believe that proximity is power: NBN is a multilingual business platform, in English, Arabic, and Chinese. For each piece of information, we receive from our members, we give it back to the business and scientific community, in the languages the most spoken in the emerging markets world.
NBN Membership
We promote our members in emerging markets because we believe that Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, the Indian Peninsula, and China offer growing business opportunities. We know how this challenging market is shifting daily and got the means to aid newcomers.
Who is NBN membership for?

If your brand is less known in emerging markets

If your company needs to expand faster

Time constraints
If your sales and marketing team is too busy

Critical Information
If you need to keep an eye on the competition

If you have to source for new suppliers

If your marketing budget is limited
Our Leadership
Our senior management carries out our commitment to provide results above expectations while always employing our values at the forefront of our work. The leadership team’s years of experience in global, high-impact product development and delivery are the foundation for our success.
Our leadership is working every day to build better solutions & help ensure you get the best services

Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio with more than twenty years of work experience in China, and six years in the Middle East and Africa. Arnaud is Founder and Partner at Dynatom International in Switzerland. He previously worked in Beijing as he was CEO of Dynabond Powertech Service, General Manager for New Media Research Center, and the Sales and Marketing Manager at Debenham Tie Leung. Mr. Lefevre has successfully launched numerous projects including Eurosport in China and the official website for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

He is a senior nuclear engineer with more than 25 years of experience in the nuclear field. His primary functions are Operations manager (operation and maintenance), Nuclear power plant commissioner, fire risk assessment, in-service inspection, safety analysis, and nuclear waste management. Frederic has a Master degree in mechanical engineering and an MBA.

Nicolas Schlumberger, is partner at Dynatom, has been active in international finance (New York, Tokyo, and Paris) for 42 years. Since 2000 he has been an entrepreneur, and founder of SICAT (France, Bet-silicium carbide for catalysis), and Hi Tech ventures (terrestrial broadcasting, wireless services) in China, where he resides. He is also a partner in Coral Reef Capital LLC (New York) with investments in North American natural resources. Since 2000, Mr. Schlumberger has been Chairman of a high-tech company based in Chengdu.