16 Billion USD for the Turkish Nuclear Industry

The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, the National Boron Research Institute, Turkey Atomic Energy Agency and the Mineral Research and Exploration General Directorate are negotiating their budget for 2018.

During an audition from the Planning and Budget Parliamentary Commission, Berat Albayrak, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources explained the position of the government on the nuclear sector. “Nuclear energy is an important alternative to meet rising electricity demand and to reduce the risks of dependence on imported fuels. The first unit of the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant is targeted for operation in 2023, and the ground survey and feasibility studies are continuing for the project in Sinop.

“The work for three nuclear power plants is ongoing, we have substantial progress in Akkuyu and Sinop. We are now determining the site for the third plant. Sinop and Akkuyu combined will represent 9,28 GW of installed capacity.” Regarding the direct impact for the national industry, the minister continued: “this is a sensitive issue, and we are pushing the industry to supply equipment and material according to the nuclear standards. This is an opportunity of 16 Billion USD for our industry, and 20 thousand jobs will be created during the construction. Our goal is not only to generate electricity, we want to add value to our country, and nuclear will support the development of our industry from the energy to aerospace sectors”.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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