Nuclear modern laboratory for early detection of diseases in Lebanon

The American University of Beirut launched the laboratory of molecular accelerator to produce radioactive isotopes. The «Cyclotron unit» will be the largest in Lebanon. The nuclear laboratory works on the production of radioactive isotopes which helps in the early detection of cancer, heart attack, stroke and to conduct medical research.

Dr. Mohammed Haider, Director of the Department of Nuclear Medicine and the laboratory in the American University of Beirut, said that the laboratory is working on the production of radioactive material which is used for the first time in Lebanon.

The workers installed a nuclear laboratory material «PSMA-gallium» to detect the spread of prostate cancer in its early stages, and thus the nuclear medicine department in the «American University» becomes the first in Lebanon, which uses this article diagnosis.

Dr. Haider explained that radioactive material decreases rapidly with time and becomes non-radioactive between 2- 16 hours which make it difficult to import. Currently the laboratory in «the American University of Beirut» can provide the local market needs, in addition to the possibility of exporting some of the material to neighboring countries.

Dr. Haider stresses that all medical nuclear medicines are used in a very small amount without posing any harm to the patient and they are safe materials under medical supervision.

On the other hand, the laboratory is equipped with the latest system control to make sure that all the materials used respect the Lebanese and the international standards. The laboratory is subjected to the supervision of «the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission»;

the American University ensure the radiation safety for the workers.

Dr. Bilal Nsouli , Director of the «Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission» confirmed the work in the laboratory follows the highest security and safety standards . All necessary licenses have been issued, in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health and the  «International Atomic Energy Agency», to put the laboratory on the regional and international map in the field of nuclear medicine.


Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission

The Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission (LAEC) was established in 1996 with the support and collaboration of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Arabic Atomic Energy Commission, in order to promote the peaceful application of atomic energy in Lebanon.

The Commission is the only institution of its kind within the CNRS (National Council for Scientific Research). Recently through its operational arm a radiation protection infrastructure is being established. The Commission is currently involved in environmental and food monitoring programs using state of the art equipment and techniques.


Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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