China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corporation in Saudi Arabia

In the International Summit Forum of the “Belt and Road”, Mr. Gu Jun, General Manager of China Nuclear E&C Corporation (CNEC), received the Vice President of King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy K.A. CARE, Dr. Waleed Abul Faraj.

Mr. Gu stated that CNEC will joint efforts with K.A. CARE fully promote the HTGR in Saudi Arabia. He added that China will share its expertise of the HTGR technology and the construction experience as well. Meanwhile, both sides will also work together on the talent training and the supply chain localization.

After the meeting, Mr. Gu and Dr. Waleed presided over the kick-off meeting of the Joint Feasibility Research. Both sides commit to finish the report within this year and to submit it to the Saudi government in order to prepare for the approval of the HTGR in Saudi Arabia.

Elaine Li

Elaine Li

Elaine Li (李益楠) is Marketing Manager for the Chinese Market. With ten years of experience in the nuclear power market, Elaine is experts for the certification of safety equipment (HAF 604 and 601) and marketing intelligence.
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