Acceleration of the Sinop Nuclear Power Plant Project

A VIP delegation from Electricity Generation (EÜAŞ), Engie, Mitsubishi, Itochu and 9 Sanad recently visited the governor of Sinop, Mrs.Yasemin Özata Çetinkaya and the deputy governor, Mr. Mehmet Yüzer.

After a presentation of the management activities, the governor indicated that Sinop would assign local communication representatives and the launch of an information center. During the meeting, several representatives from Sinop civil societies expressed their will to be part of the Sinop executive and communication committees. The stakeholders decided to meet within two months to establish the communication and the working plan for Sinop nuclear power plant.

Name of attendees from the delegation:

  • Mehmet Biçer, Assistant General Manager, and Ismail Alper Yalcinkaya, Turgay Kurşun (EÜAŞ),
  • Jan Bartak, Mathieu Gaultier and Libby Önenl (Engie),
  • Kentaro Hosomi and Makoto Kanda (Mitsubishi),
  • Toshiyuki Abe (Itochu),
  • Filiz Babalık Aytar, Selçuk Yaşar (9 Sanad)


Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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