Belgium shuts down Tihange 2 NPP right after it was restarted!

The Tihange 2 Nuclear Reactor in Belgium has been shut down again, on Saturday, April 24th, after a technical error caused it to shut down just a few hours after it was restarted!

The Tihange 2 reactor, with a capacity of 1008 MW, had been shut down the previous Wednesday due to a technical problem in the non-nuclear part of the reactor.

The generation was gradually raised after the plant was reconnected to the grid, and a spokeswoman for the “ENGIE” Electricity Company confirmed, on Friday, that the steam turbine had stopped at 11:30 pm.

The reactor restarted on Saturday but soon shut down again! A very low level of water was detected in one of the non-nuclear steam generators.

According to the nuclear power plant operator, it is not unusual for technical problems to arise during restart.

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid is the Director for MENA Region. He acts as a leading marketer in Arabic-speaking countries. He is also the COO and lead-developer of NBN.
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