BMW to use hydrogen energy sectors to lower its dependence on natural gas

BMW aims to invest in solar, geothermal, and hydrogen energy sectors to lower its dependence on natural gas from Russia amidst the war crisis.

BMW earlier relied mainly on natural gas for 54 percent of its energy consumption in 2021 and is now exploring methods and areas where it can add solar panels to its plants and how to transport hydrogen to its plant in Leipzig, Germany.

Apart from Germany, a new plant in Debrecen, Hungary, which BMW owns will be the world’s first automobile factory to run entirely without fossil fuels, which will rely heavily on solar.

Hydrogen energy is very well-suited to lower or even fully compensate for gas demand. Not just BMW but the entire sector would come to a standstill, in the event of a halt to gas deliveries from Russia.

Manisha Vasumithran

Manisha Vasumithran

Manisha Vasumithran is a writer who loves to put thoughts and feelings into words. She worked for NGO, a social media page, and other websites, providing quality content as a freelancer.
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