Bolivia approves law for nuclear technology

The Chamber of Deputies of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly (ALP) approved the project “Law for Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Technology.”

The purpose of the standard is to establish, within the legal framework, the peaceful applications of nuclear technology to contribute to scientific, economic and social development, and also to regulate, control and supervise all facilities and activities that involve this type of applications.

“We have approved the first norm in Bolivia with these characteristics, which establishes procedures for the export of radioactive material, establishes guarantees to control and control nuclear activity, it is a rule fundamentally to protect the environment in our country,” said the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Víctor Borda.

The project will have its scope in all activities or facilities that involve nuclear technology, such as cyclotrons (medicine), gamma irradiation plants (industry and agriculture), research reactor (science and technology).

In his speech, the minister of energy, Rafael Alarcón, explained that the rule is for public or private entities that use this technology.

The proposal has sixty-eight articles, three additional provisions, three transitory provisions, two final ones, and one abrogation and repeal. After its approval, it was referred to the Chamber of Senators for its respective consideration.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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