CGN’s Marine Nuclear Ambition

China’s nuclear heavyweight—China General Nuclear Group(“CGN”) announced in a recent press conference in Shenzhen the purchase of the pressure vessel for its ACPR50S experimental reactor project to Dongfang Electric Co., Ltd


This agreement is the official kick start of the marine small reactor *ACPR50S developed by CGN. Meanwhile, CGN has also signed a framework agreement for joint cooperation on Smart Nuclear with Shanghai Electric Co., Ltd, which aims to bring the idea of “Internet + Nuclear” from EPC companies to the nuclear equipment industry chain.


During the period of “Five-year Plan”, CGN will focus on five great Strategic Programs including :

The Hualong No.1,

The advanced nuclear fuel assembly,

The next generation nuclear energy system,

The small reactor

The intelligent nuclear power.


In addition, CGN is also seeking to establish an overseas R&D center or a joint lab to uphold its strategic goals in the nuclear field.


*ACPR50S is a floating nuclear power station developed by CGN. It is a distributed ocean integral energy system based on the mature nuclear equipment technology and the marine facilities technology. Referring to the main land large commercial EPR reactors, it is designed to meet the needs of  the maritime users in line with the highest nuclear safety standards.

Elaine Li

Elaine Li

Elaine Li (李益楠) is Marketing Manager for the Chinese Market. With ten years of experience in the nuclear power market, Elaine is experts for the certification of safety equipment (HAF 604 and 601) and marketing intelligence.
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