Chile assumes presidency of the Ibero-American Forum of Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Organizations

Patricio Aguilera, Executive Director of the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN), will be in charge of leading the organization for a year.

During a meeting held recently in Brazil, Patricio Aguilera, Executive Director of the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN), was appointed as president of the Ibero-American Forum of Radiological and Nuclear Regulatory Bodies for an estimated period of one year. He will replace Paulo Roberto Pertusi, President of the National Nuclear Energy Commission of Brazil.

The aforementioned association was created 21 years ago and aims to promote radiological, nuclear and physical safety in the region, through the exchange of experiences and the realization of activities that seek to resolve the common problems faced by the countries that comprise it. The Forum has a technical program of work in conjunction with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that develops a network of knowledge on the aforementioned areas.

“That Chile assumes the presidency of this Forum implies a great challenge for our Institution, since the challenges that the Region has to continue strengthening the aspects of radiological and nuclear safety are dynamic, ranging from the implementation of actions for the strengthening of culture of safety, capacity building, knowledge transfer and the generation of tools to improve safety and radiological protection, “said Patricio Aguilera.


Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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