CIAE presents in International Nuclear Decommissioning Conference

The 8th International Nuclear Decommissioning Conference (ICOND) was held in Germany from November 11th to 14th. Li Ruizhi, a senior engineer from China Institute of Atomic Energy-Decommissioning Engineering Technology Center, was invited by the chairman of the conference John Kittler, to make a presentation entitled “Decommissioning Planning of Heavy Water Research Reactor”. This is the first time for China’s reactor decommissioning technicians to present at the International Nuclear Decommissioning Conference around the topics of the plan, phased tasks, and technical solutions for nuclear reactor decommissioning.

During the meeting, representatives of CIAE and Dr. Vladimir Michal, the head of the IAEA-Decommissioning Section, exchanged views on the future decommissioning cooperation and sought for comments on the research reactor decommissioning demonstration project (R2D2P).

Vladimir Michal said that he was interested in the research reactor decommissioning demonstration project and want to build it into a prototype project for reactor decommissioning in China.

More than 300 representatives from international organizations and countries including IAEA, NDA, OECDNEA, Germany, Britain, France, Sweden, Belgium, Finland, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Chinese Taiwan attended the meeting.

*ICOND was held in Aachen, Germany in 2012 and is held once a year. It has been held 8 sessions so far, and now it has become the largest nuclear facility decommissioning conference in Europe.

Elaine Li

Elaine Li

Elaine Li (李益楠) is Marketing Manager for the Chinese Market. With ten years of experience in the nuclear power market, Elaine is experts for the certification of safety equipment (HAF 604 and 601) and marketing intelligence.
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