CNEN is 24th in the Web Ranking of World Research Centers

The ” Web Ranking of World Research Centers” is an initiative of the Cybermetry Laboratory, belonging to the Council of Scientific Research (CSIC), Spain’s largest national research center. The National Commission of Nuclear Energy (CNEN) appears in the 24th position of the 2018 edition of this ranking.

The Ranking was officially launched in 2008 and is updated every 6 months (data are collected during the months of January and June and published one month later). The web indicators used are based on and correlated with traditional bibliometric and scientometric indicators. The goal of the project is to convince academic and political communities about the importance of web publishing not only for the dissemination of academic knowledge but also as a way of measuring scientific activity, performance and impact.

The published tables show all web metrics used in a synthetic and visual way. Not only is a leading ranking grouping the top 4,000 institutions around the world (Top 2000), but other regional rankings are also shown for comparative purposes.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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