Hualong: the HPR1000 does not rise yet

Mr. Qian Zhimin, president of the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), visited the construction site of the HPR1000 pilot nuclear power project in Fuqing, Southeast China’s Fujian province.

Qian stated at a meeting with the Harbin Electric Corporation (HEC) that both the CNNC and the HEC should have a forward-looking perspective, and try to find and address problems as soon as possible. This project represents the only way to export reactors overseas, establish “One Belt and one Road” Strategy and bypass the future development of the AP1000 in China.

Mr. Qian used often the words “careful analysis” “careful focus” and “importance of quality” on all the different aspects of the project, and made it clear that staff should respond quickly to any potential problems. In Chinese words, Qian shows his exasperation about the amateurish behavior of the project team, and the lack of cooperation between the different departments involved.

*”Belt and Road” strategy was put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. The initiative refers to the Silk Road Economic Belt that links China with Europe through Central and Western Asia by inland routes and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road connecting China with Southeast Asia, Africa and Europe by sea. It would fully rely on the existing bi-and multilateral mechanism agreed between China and some countries to foster the regional partnership and create more effective cooperation ways.

For more information about the development of the Hualong (HPR1000), please contact us.

Elaine Li

Elaine Li

Elaine Li (李益楠) is Marketing Manager for the Chinese Market. With ten years of experience in the nuclear power market, Elaine is experts for the certification of safety equipment (HAF 604 and 601) and marketing intelligence.
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