Indonesia National Economic and Industrial Committee asked the government to build a nuclear power plant

Indonesia National Economic and Industrial Committee (KEIN) asked the government to build a nuclear power plant (NPP) to guarantee the supply of electricity for the industry and the population.


This is the result of the discussions in the Nuclear Energy Focus Group Discussion (FGD) held by the National Economic and Industrial Committee (KEIN) and the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristek Dikti) between April 16th to 18thin Denpasar, Bali.  The National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan), Nuclear Power Supervisory Agency (Bapeten), PT PLN, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and other stakeholders attended this discussion.

To become a developed country, Indonesia should encourage the growth of the industry. Therefore, the availability of electricity supply at low prices will be the government’s attention. Currently, the Indonesian industry cannot compete at the international level due to the high cost of production, and the high cost of electricity. Furthermore the lack of electricity for the industry can sometimes hamper the entry of new investors.

Mr. Zulnahar Usman, Chairman of KEIN RI Energy and Mineral Resources Working Group and member of Working Group on Energy explained the energy from power plants ranging from hydroelectric, geothermal, to solar power plants is still considered insufficient to meet the electricity needs. In fact, the selling price of electricity from the plant is considered expensive and difficult to meet the industry needs, which is above US $ 11 cents per kilowatt hour (kwh).

The existence of nuclear is absolutely necessary to meet the national energy needs. Zulnahar asserted, the application of nuclear technology has met the basic principles of energy, which is cheap, reliable or reliable, and economical alias does not require subsidies to the state budget. Zulnahar hopes that the implementation of this FGD will generate concrete input and direction related to the importance of nuclear energy utilization. “It is the task of KEIN to give input or memo policy to President Joko Widodo, FGD result will be reviewed in the internal meeting of KEIN, then we will proceed to the President,” he concluded.



KEIN: Komite Ekonomi dan Industri Nasional Republik Indonesia

The National Industrial Economy Committee (abbreviated KEIN ) is a Non-structural Institution under and responsible to the President.

It conducts assessments of national and regional economic and industrial issues;

It submits strategic advice in determining national economic and industrial policy to the President; and

It carries out other duties in the economic and industrial sphere provided by the President.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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