Kuwait switching to nuclear power by 2020?

The Kuwaiti Goverment is looking at a new alternative for the production of energy.  The nuclear energy was retained as one option, based on the identification of electricity needs in various sectors, from agriculture to the industry.

An official study showed that Kuwait’s approach towards peaceful nuclear energy came on the basis of many important data, including its geographical location, the summer heat, a major growth in residential cities, the construction of roads and services, the population growth and the expansion in commercial complexes and factories .

All of these factors have made Kuwait one of the world’s top consumers of electricity and water. The increase in electric load exceeds 8% annually, while the global increase is only 2% to 3%.

The state now has the largest electricity subsidy, the world’s highest, according to the World Bank report. Each kilowatt costs the state US $ 1.4 and sells it to consumers at US $ 2. Taking into account that Kuwait has 7 power plants producing 14,000 Megawatts, while consumption now exceeds 12,000 megawatts, with a weighted increase in consumption to 32,000 megawatts by 2030. (Dinar = $ 3.308)

Kuwait has begun to study the production of clean energy for more than 10 years to cope with the increase in consumption. It has begun to develop effective mechanisms in this regard. The most recent of these has been the lighting of some governmental installations with solar energy. The experience of this technology continues in a number of projects Other.

“The introduction of nuclear energy as a component of local energy is one of the most crucial decisions of any country,” said Ahmed al-Zaini, professor of economics at Kuwait University. “Nuclear energy is a strategic choice that has both positives and challenges.

“It is one of its advantages to provide electricity and water while reducing the emission of polluting gases to the environment, creating jobs, and transfer of technology and modern technologies,” explains Zaini. He added that Kuwait’s interest in the study and evaluation of the introduction of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes came out of its endeavor to diversify the sources of electric energy to accommodate the expected future demand and to ensure the continued rapid development of its economy. A national committee was established for this purpose on behalf of the National Committee on the Uses of Nuclear Energy To conduct general studies of this subject, in preparation for taking the appropriate national decision in the light of its results.

The government study showed that the maximum domestic demand for electricity will be close to 25,000 megawatts by 2025 and could reach 30,000 in 2030, compared to a current installed capacity of about 11,000, reflecting annual growth of between 4% and 5% from 2008 to 2008.

The professor of nuclear energy at the Australian University of Kuwait, Imad Al-Ablani added that the fuel stations are reducing the current quantities of crude oil and its derivatives, as well as natural gas associated with oil, as the fuel stations amounted to about 300 thousand barrels in 2009, between 10%-12% of the domestic production estimated at 2.7 million barrels per day, which is going to rise about 20% by 2020.

“Free natural gas is not available now, and as the local production of oil is set by WPC, it means diminution of natural wealth and its resources, because every barrel of oil produced will boost the export or refining capacity of the country.”

“Nuclear energy will provide challenges such as the seriousness of nuclear waste, the supply of nuclear fuel, the flexibility of government procedures, the selection of appropriate technology for the nuclear plant, the rehabilitation of national forces for the operation of nuclear energy, and the security of nuclear installations,” he said.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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