Nuclear energy is strategic for Jordan

During its visit to the Jordanian Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC), the parliamentary energy committee was briefed on the mission that JAEC is performing in electricity generation and desalinization. The committee was led by Haitham Al-Zaidan and met a representation of JAEC led by Dr. Khaled Toukan. Dr Toukan exposed the importance of the program to the Jordanian economy and the necessary infrastructure for the project and plans for uranium exploration and mining. He pointed out that nuclear energy is strategic for Jordan as it is an essential entry point for the club of industrial countries, which is a national necessity and not just the production of electricity and its uses, but rather to medicine, agriculture, industry and water desalination, pointing out that Jordan is facing a momentous opportunity.
The Jordanian nuclear reactor for research and training is a Jordanian pride, he said, estimating the efforts of the Commission to send about 250 students to studies abroad.
For their part, the members of the Committee presented their views of the project, stressing the need to inform the public about the stages of the project and the economic feasibility of the Kingdom, which suffers from a shortage of energy sources.

Dr. Toukan said that the program is a strategic option for the Kingdom to achieve stability and independence in the field of electricity generation, and will not be at the expense of the state treasury. He added that the national energy strategy depends on the energy mix, and renewable energy sources alone will not be enough. He said that the uranium stockpile in the Kingdom is a strategic asset that enhances the security of nuclear fuel to generate nuclear energy and will help decreasing the import of foreign oil.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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