Orion spacecraft will carry Artemis astronauts to the moon

The Orion capsules for the Artemis 2, Artemis 3, and Artemis 4 moon missions are coming together at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida under the stewardship of contractor Lockheed Martin.

Artemis 2 will send Orion the moon in November 2024 with an already-named crew of four astronauts, while we are still awaiting word of who will fly the Artemis 3 and 4 missions for later in the decade.

Artemis 2 includes NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, and Christina Koch, along with Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen. Artemis 3 and 4 will both include astronauts from NASA and the European Space Agency.

Manisha Vasumithran

Manisha Vasumithran

Manisha Vasumithran is a writer who loves to put thoughts and feelings into words. She worked for NGO, a social media page, and other websites, providing quality content as a freelancer.
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