Powerful energy time for Turkey

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shared his visions of energy sources with his social media account – “Turkey became one of the most important energy corridors in the world, especially with our natural gas pipeline projects, while the current deficit continues to decrease with both nuclear and renewable energy projects. In particular, we have become one of the gas pipeline project with our energy corridor.”

According to the figures shared, the power of the solar energy board reached 4,6 GW in 2018.

The Karapınar Yeka Solar Power Plant was tendered in 2017, becoming the world’s largest solar power plant. A total of 1.3 billion dollars will be invested in the plant, will be a thousand megawatt capacity. Within the scope of the project, 450 million dollar integrated solar panel factory will be established and 600 thousand households will be provided with electricity requirement.

Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant a 4, 8 GW project, will meet 10 percent of Turkey’s electricity demand. The plant will employ 10 thousand people during the construction phase.

It is planned that Sinop Nuclear Power Plant‘s first reactor will be commissioned in 2025 at a total of 4,48 GW.

In the last 15 years, US$ 100 billion has been invested in the energy sector. The installed power, which was 31,84 GW in 2002, rose to 86,88 GW in 2018.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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