Rosatom sets a record for nuclear electricity production

The production rate of electrical energy for Russian nuclear power plants – affiliated with Rosenergoatom – reaches more than 208.78 billion kWh.

According to the statement of the subsidiary of the Rosatom Group, the company recorded an increase in total energy production by about 0.4%, exceeding the rates for the year 2018 (204.275 billion kWh) by more than 4.5 billion kWh.

The company stated that the directives issued by The Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia (FAS) on the balance in the production and supply of electric energy for 2019 were implemented at 103%, with the initial plan being at 202.7 billion kWh.

Russian nuclear power plants: “Rostovskaya” (more than 33.8 billion kilowatt hours), “Kalininskaya” (more than 31 billion kilowatt hours), and “Balakovskaya” (about 30 billion kilowatt hours) topped the list of NPPs that provided the largest contribution to the company’s new record achievement.

The percentage of electricity produced from nuclear energy in the current period is about 19.04% of the total power balance of Russia and 19.3% in the Unified Energy System of Russia, which contributes to lighting one of every 5 lamps, while the proportion of nuclear energy production in the European part of Russia is about 40%.

The Rosenergoatom Joint-Stock Company is a leading unit of the Electric Power Division of the Rosatom State Corporation. The JSC is the largest generation company in Russia in terms of the electric power output and the world’s 2nd one in terms of the atomic generation capacity. It encompasses all 10 nuclear power plants of Russia that have an affiliate status as well as companies facilitating the operation of the generation unit. All in all, the Russian NPPs operate 356 power blocks with the total installed capacity of 30.25 GW.

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid is the Director for MENA Region. He acts as a leading marketer in Arabic-speaking countries. He is also the COO and lead-developer of NBN.
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