Russian fuel components to be delivered in Egypt

The fuel components produced by the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrate Facility (NCCP PJSC), a subsidiary of the key Russian nuclear fuel producer TVEL will be delivered to ETRR2 in Egypt.

ETRR2 reactor is the Nuclear Research Center in Inshas. The shipments were made under various contracts in 2018, under the coordination of TVEL JSC signed between the NCCP PJSC and the Egyptian Atomic Energy Agency. The Argentine-designed multipurpose nuclear reactor ETRR2 is used for the production of a variety of isotopes, such as particle physics, material engineering and nuclear medicine.

Oleg Grigoriyev, Vice President, Trade and International Business of TVEL indicated also that in 2017, TVEL’s contract for the supply of nuclear fuel for the El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant entered into force. The contract covers all four power units of the El Dabaa power plant, which has a total capacity of 4800 mw during the whole activity period. In addition, the Central Design and Technology Institute, a subsidiary of TVEL, is involved in the construction of a storage facility for nuclear fuel spent from El Dabaa NPP as a design subcontractor.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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