Several conferences for the Dabaa NPP and solar projects

Egypt organized in November several conferences for the Dabaa NPP project.The Minister of Electricity  Mohammad Shaker announced that the training of 1711 persons will start in April 2017 to work in Dabaa nuclear power plant in coordination with the Russian side, as well as the training missions outside Egypt which will start early in 2018.

During the conference “way of the future of Egypt,” Minister Shaker said that negotiations with Russia are in the final stage, expected to sign the contract before the end of this year, pointing out that the negotiations include contracts for construction, design and supply of fuel and technical support.

Mr. Shaker explained that the first reactor will be operating 9 years after the signature of the contract, adding that the reactors will be a third-generation technology which is characterized by the highest safety levels.”

Another International Conference and Exhibition, entitled “the management of the demand for electric power in the Arab countries” was held in Cairo  on Sunday and Monday November 13 to 14 2016 under the auspices of the Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Dr. Mohamed Shaker

Farouk Al-Hakim, head of the Division of Electricity Engineers Syndicate and head of the conference said that the conference will discuss 24 working paper dealing with a road map for the management of energy demand, which recently witnessed consecutive growth in the Arab countries .


Development of Solar projects

Mrs. Eman Ahmed from the Electricity Regulatory Utility and Consumer Protection in Egypt said that the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Jordan and Syria as well as Egypt occupied the top positions on the list of countries that adopt the implementation of solar power plants.

She explained that the practical experiences proved that the production of electricity by photovoltaic cells is of great importance and great economic feasibility as well as it works to improve the efficiency of the performance and operation of the electrical grid tethered them.

Dr. Abdul Rahman, head of the Egyptian Society of Engineers stressed on the importance of cooperation and exchange of experiences between the Egyptian Society of Engineers and Arab trade unions in order to achieve Arab unity in the fields of engineering and therefore in all fields.


Dr. Mohamed Shaker
Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Power Engineering from Cairo University 1968 & 1972  Education:

  • respectively.
  • D. & DIC in Electrical Engineering– Imperial College, London University1978.
  • “Premium Award in Science and Technology” 1985 – Institution of Electrical Engineers
    (IEE) – London – K.


  • Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy – Egypt, Since March 2014.
  • Founder and Chairman of the Electromechanical Consulting Engineering firm: “SHAKER Consulting Group” since 1982, and its subsidiaries in many of Arab and African Countries.
  • Electrical Consulting Professional Engineer with a track record of over 1500 projects in Egypt, Arabian Gulf countries & Africa, during over 40 years of engineering practice.
  • Chairman of the Consulting Engineers Qualifying Board – Egyptian Engineering syndicate.
  • Chairman of the “Egyptian Fire Protection Association” (EFPA).
  • Board member of the following organizations at different periods:
  • Energy Research Center – Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
  • Electrical Code Committee – Housing and Building National Research Center – Egypt.
  • New Urban Communities Authority – Ministry of Housing Utilities and Urban Communities, Egypt.
  • Egyptian Railway Authority – Ministry of Transport.
  • Egyptian Metro Operation and Management Company – Ministry of Transport.
  • Chairman of the Egyptian construction Export Council – Ministry of Industry and Trade.
  • Vice – chairman of the Egyptian consulting Engineers Forum.
  • Vice – chairman of the Egyptian Engineering Syndicate.
  • Vice – chairman of the Egyptian – Japanese Businessman Council.
Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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