Soon … loading the nuclear fuel to Barakah-I

Ahmed Balajer Al Rumaithi, Executive Vice President of the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC), stated that the loading of nuclear fuel at the first reactor of the Barakah nuclear power plant will start in 2020.

He pointed out that hundreds of local engineers and experts in the field of nuclear energy will participate in the fuel loading process to be held in 2020. “We have exceeded 60% of the Emiratization of jobs at the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation, which currently has nearly 3000 employees of 50 nationalities. “.

This came during an introductory session on the UAE’s peaceful nuclear program, organized by the Bureau of Councils Affairs at the Crown Prince’s Court in coordination with the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation at the Mohammed Khalaf Council in Abu Dhabi.

Al-Rumaithi explained that each country working on building nuclear power plants, has to focus on five pillars: “The existence of an institution responsible for the construction and operation of nuclear reactors – an advanced infrastructure with a nuclear response system – international cooperation in the nuclear field with friend countries – the presence of qualified and trained national cadres in the nuclear field – and the existence of a state nuclear legislator.”

Al Rumaithi explained that the project will provide 25% of the UAE’s energy needs by 2050 and will contribute to reducing carbon dioxide emission amounts equivalent to operating 3.2 million vehicles.

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Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid is the Director for MENA Region. He acts as a leading marketer in Arabic-speaking countries. He is also the COO and lead-developer of NBN.
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