Sudan is cooperating with China to exploit uranium

Sudan has announced the start of a partnership with China National Nuclear Company (CNNC) to exploit uranium for peaceful nuclear power generation in the country.

This came in a statement to the Director-General of the General Authority for Geological Research (technical arm of the Ministry of Minerals of Sudan), Mohammed Abdullah, in a statement quoted by the Sudanese News Agency (SUNA). “Today, we announce a partnership between the Ministry of Oil, Gas and Minerals, and the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity in Sudan and the CNNC to exploit uranium”.

In November 2017, Sudan announced that it is going to establish a peaceful nuclear plant and that a Russian-Russian agreement was reached on a roadmap to build the plant during a visit by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir to Moscow at the time.

On 12 March 2018, the Sudanese government announced the allowance of investment in uranium mining after consultation with the security authorities.

In 2010, the Sudanese government announced that the country’s uranium reserves were about 1.5 million tonnes, concentrated in the states of Darfur and the Nuba Mountains.

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid is the Director for MENA Region. He acts as a leading marketer in Arabic-speaking countries. He is also the COO and lead-developer of NBN.
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