Technological assistance to African nuclear program

On the occasion of the extraordinary meeting of the African Nuclear Energy Commission (AFCONE), Mr. Mustapha Guitouni, Algerian Minister of Energy stressed that African countries needed international financial and technological assistance to fulfill their part. The contract in accordance with the provisions of the NPT. Algeria, South Africa, Ghana, Mauritius, Mali, Mauritania, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Zimbabwe participated in this meeting of AFCONE.

The Minister indicated that the implementation of the Pelindaba Treaty, ratified in 2009 in South Africa, which aims to create a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa was, of course, the primary responsibility of the States Parties. “Nevertheless, this instrument cannot achieve its potential without close cooperation with institutional and state partners, whose contribution is expected in terms of funding and expertise,” he added.

For Mr. Guitouni, the commitment of African countries to the strict application of the TPN should not overshadow their right to utilize nuclear technology for peaceful purposes, such as energy. “Algeria appeals to these partners to engage with Africa and support AFCONE’s efforts in the framework of its strategic plan, in order to reinforce the momentum that it has set in motion” he concluded

At the International Nuclear Energy Forum (ATOMEXPO), May 14-16, 2018, in Sochi, Russia, Algerian Minister of Energy Mustapha Guitouni met with Alexei Likhachev, Executive Director of the Russian public nuclear group Rosatom. The two officials discussed bilateral cooperation in the field of civil nuclear energy, according to a statement from the Algerian Ministry of Energy. Algeria is planning the construction of a nuclear power station with a pressurized water reactor by 2025.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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