The National Energy Commission Statistical Yearbook

The Minister of Energy, Susana Jimenez, launched the National Energy Commission “Statistical Energy Yearbook 2017”, a document that contains the main statistical data of the last year for the national energy sector.

In 164 pages, the Yearbook includes a compilation, ordering and updating of energy information, which was classified into four thematic groups, where an analysis of the relevant aspects of the electricity and hydrocarbons sector can be found, as well as the state and advance of the environmental approval of energy projects, in addition to the main regulatory and regulatory aspects that were presented during the last year in the sector.

This work mainly covers information for the period 2007-2017, which represents an effort and a valuable contribution to the availability of time series.

This Yearbook will be available on the Ministry of Energy’s website, ; of the National Energy Commission, , and on the web platform

The “Statistical Energy Yearbook 2017” is a work carried out by the Information, Statistics and Citizen Participation Department of the CNE, which adds to other informative tools for the citizenship and for the actors of the sector, such as the  Daily, Monthly, ERNC , the  Financial Energy Report,  the Open Energy platforms  , Maps Energy ,  Energy Region , and the recent incorporation of the Blockchain technology  .

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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