The Nuclear Energy General Directorate of Turkey

The Nuclear Energy General Directorate will provide coordination between ministries, public institutions and organizations, universities, civil society and private sector organizations for the realization of nuclear power plant projects.

The duties and authorities of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources and the organizational structure were determined within the framework of the Presidential Government System according to the presidential Decree No. 1 on the Presidency Formation which was published on July 10th, in the Official Gazette.

That decree was issued to determine short, long-term needs for energy and natural resources and to assist in the determination of the necessary policies for the project, to make plans, to research, operate, develop, evaluate, control and protect energy and natural resources in accordance with technical necessities and economic developments. In  order to assist in the determination of general policy principles, it was included among the ministry’s duties and authorities.

The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources will be composed of the central organization. The service units of the Ministry, the General Directorate of Energy Affairs, General Directorate of Nuclear Energy, General Directorate of External Relations and International Projects, Audit Services Presidency, Strategy Development Presidency, Legal Services Presidency, Personnel Department Presidency, Support Services Department Presidency, Public Relations Counselor and the Directorate of Specials will take place.

If the duties and authorities of the General Directorate of Energy Affairs are not left to the institutions and organizations operating on the market, they will keep the inventory of the energy sources and facilities and make the necessary plans to meet all the energy needs of the country.

The General Directorate is responsible for:

  • the production and distribution of energy resources in accordance with the plans and programs,
  • the measures necessary for the transportation and distribution of the energy resources,
  • the establishment and operation of the production, transmission and distribution facilities of the energy resources in accordance with the national interests and modern technology.


The General Directorate will also determine the energy pricing principles and apply the base and ceiling prices for all types of energy sales made to consumers, taking into consideration the public benefits and market needs.

It will prepare feasibility and sample application projects by making measurements for the determination and evaluation of all energy sources, including hydropower, wind, geothermal, solar, biomass and other renewable energy resources of the country. It will work in cooperation with research institutions, local governments and civil society organizations. and develop, promote and conduct consulting activities.

The General Directorate of Nuclear Energywill provide coordination between ministries, public institutions and organizations, universities, civil society and private sector organizations for the realization of nuclear power plant projects. Nuclear power plants will provide inter-agency coordination for the preparation of the required infrastructure in areas such as legislation, human resources, education, industry and technology related to the implementation of the projects and will carry out the necessary studies in these fields. It will also work on informing the public about nuclear power plants that will be developed,

The General Directorate of External Relations and International Projectswill be in constant contact with the institutions in charge of international affairs, that fall under the ministry’s mandate, and will ensure coordination between them. The Ministry will carry out work and transactions related to the European Union and provide business cooperation with the related institutions. It will ensure the purchase of services for the realization of legal, technical, administrative and financial services at every stage of international transit oil and gas transit projects. The General Directorate shall ensure that all necessary rights, licenses, visas, permits, certifications, authorizations, acceptances and approvals are provided for the investor in accordance with international transit oil and natural gas transit project agreements. Which will ensure timely provision of letters of guarantees in case of international arbitration. And provide documentation, data and other information requested by project investors.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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