Training in Zambia

The International Atomic Energy Agency has pledged to help Zambia train specialists in nuclear science and technology. This initiative follows the training held by Rosatom for 40 Zambian engineers.

The Zambian government and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) signed a partnership to train Zambian nuclear scientists and technicians. According to Nkandu Luo, Zambian Minister of Higher Education, the international agency committed itself to supporting Zambia in the development of human resources and capacities in the field of nuclear power.

Back from Vienna, where she attended the 61st Ordinary Session of the IAEA General Assembly, Nkandu Luo welcomed this new partnership, as her country is stepping up its plans for its first nuclear power plant.

In a statement, the Minister of Higher Education explained that Zambia is ready to collaborate with countries with experience in nuclear science and technology. She also said that her country was already collaborating with Russia, which had agreed to train 40 Zambian specialists in this field.


In June 2017, Rosatom signed a nuclear project development agreement with the Zambian authorities, which led to the establishment of the Center for Nuclear Science and Technology, and made it possible to launch preliminary feasibility studies for the construction of a nuclear power plant.

According to Nkandu Luo, through the creation of the center, the government intends to advance research in the field of health and to increase knowledge about other sources of energy including nuclear energy.

As a reminder, nuclear techniques are already used in a hospital center in Zambia, notably for the diagnosis and treatment of cancers.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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