Turkey goes solar

The President of the International Energy Economics Association (IAEE), and Professor in Bosphorus University. Dr. Gurkan Kumbaroglu evaluated Turkey’s energy market.

Saying that Turkey and its region have a high potential in solar energy that could provide electricity to Europe’s low potential areas so that Turkey could become a corridor for renewable energy too.

Referring also to the Karapınar solar power plant project, Mr. Kumbaroglu pointed out that the future of this technology could be bright for Turkey and the Middle East for their rich solar potential.
He said that the development of these technologies in Turkey is important for R & D and production, especially for technology exports to high Middle Eastern countries. Therefore, the locality of Karapınar plant is important.
Kumbaroglu stated that Karapinar is more suitable energetically than USA. USA’s weighted average is $ 7.1 per kilowatt-hour vs  $ 6.99 per kilowatt-hour in Karapinar.
In individual uses, while its focused on the bureaucratic facilitations and awareness-raising in the generation of electricity from solar energy it will widespread without any additional support. He pointed out the importance of economic priorities as well as awareness in consumer preferences.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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