Who is the regulator in Colombia?

The National Government, through Decree No. 0381 of 2012 , assigns to the Ministry of Mines and Energy the competence to adopt the national policy on nuclear energy and radioactive materials. Likewise, it assigns to dictate the norms and regulations for the safe management of nuclear and radioactive materials in the Colombian territory. The same Decree establishes the competence to meet the safeguards commitments established in international agreements ratified by the country and keep the national system of accounting and registration of nuclear materials updated and, in addition, promote compliance with international standards and agreements in all countries. matters related to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Therefore, the Ministry of Mines and Energy is what is internationally known as the Regulatory Body or Regulatory Authority in Nuclear Matters in Colombia.

The development of these functions has been entrusted to the Vice Ministry of Energy and specifically to the Nuclear Affairs Group. This last unit also fulfills the functions of national liaison office with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in everything related to technical cooperation in the peaceful applications of atomic energy.

Source: Government of Colombia

Ministry of Mines and Energy

Calle 43 No. 57 – 31 CAN – Bogotá DC, Colombia | PBX: (57) +1 220 0300 | Email: [email protected] |

Postal Code 111321 | Judicial Notifications: [email protected]

Hours of Operation : Monday to Friday 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM | National Free Line: 018000 910 180


Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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