Workshop on nuclear knowledge management in Cuba

During the first week of July, the second national workshop on nuclear knowledge management was held at the Center for Information Management and Energy Development (CUBAENERGIA) organized by the Nuclear Energy and Advanced Technologies Agency (AENTA).

Berta García Rodríguez  coordinated the workshop within the project RLA / 0057 “Expanding Education, Training, Extension and Management of Nuclear Knowledge” in Cuba.

Different institutions such as Medical Surgical Research Center (CIMEQ), Isotope Center (CENTIS), Radiation Protection and Hygiene Center (CPHR), Ministry of Education (MINED), Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), Institute Superior of Technologies and Applied Sciences, (InSTEC) among others participated to the workshop.

The event is one of the activities of project RLA / 0057 of the Regional Cooperation Agreement for the Promotion of Nuclear Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean (ARCAL).

The objective is to create work groups and train participants in the use of tools for the development of nuclear knowledge management products, fundamentally tools for the development of e-learning.

E-learning is the new and innovative educational modality, for training through the Internet in order to develop courses and other educational activities without the participants having to be simultaneously in the same place supported by ICT (technologies, telecommunication networks, videoconferences , Digital TV, multimedia materials), which combines different pedagogical elements: classical instruction (face-to-face or self-study), practices, contacts in real time (face-to-face, videoconferences or chats) and deferred contacts (tutors, discussion forums, e-mail).

The main functions of AENTA are the development, promotion and peaceful use of nuclear applications in nuclear medicine, the production of radiopharmaceuticals for the treatment of cancer and the management of nuclear knowledge. For these functions, it is a focal point for collaboration with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and in turn manages projects and provides scientific-technological services and high-value-added products related to nuclear technologies, renewable energy sources and other technologies. advanced, which contribute to the sustainable development of the country.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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