A new workforce for the Brazilian nuclear submarine

“It’s no use having the best ships and the best submarines if you do not have the human resources ready to operate these ever more modern equipment. So the Navy is getting ready before the incorporation of the new submarines of the class “Scorpene” that are going to go into service in 2020 “, declared a former member of the Navy and military adviser, Alexandre Galante

The Brazilian Navy has opened a contest to select 30 new cadres to work on the maintenance of submarines and nuclear facilities. Applications are accepted until August 3rd. Candidates must be between 18 and 25 years old by January 2019 and have completed high school with a technical level in the areas offered.

Fourteen cadres will be oriented in the area of electronics and sixteen in the mechanics. In the first one, will be admitted the titles of Industrial Automation, Electronic, Electromechanical, Electronic, Electrotechnical and Mechatronics. Already in the second, will be accepted technicians in Automotive Maintenance, Mechanics, Mechatronics and in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.

In addition to the four submarines of the “Scorpene” class, the Brazilian Navy is developing a nuclear propulsion that is to be built in 2023 with 100% national technology. The expectation is that the equipment, baptized of Alvaro Alberto will be ready between 2028 and 2030.

According to Lieutenant of the Brazilian Navy, Deila Malta, hiring these cadres is important so that they are trained to serve on the equipment when they are in operation.

“Until then, we need to train this new workforce so that when all our submarines are ready for them to be trimmed, they can work and serve aboard” said the military.

Those selected in this contest will play a key role in the operation of such equipment that, according to military affairs consultant Alexandre Galante, are extremely important for national security.

The candidates will pass for objective proof of professional knowledge with 50 questions and a writing exam. In a second step, they will hold the complementary exams that involve, document verification and physical fitness testing.

Those approved will take the Training Course for Sergeants at the Almirante Alexandrino Instruction Center in Rio de Janeiro. After the course, they will be named in the graduation of Third-Sergeant.

After the appointment, the Sergeants will hold a 24 weeks Submarine Course at the Almirante Áttila Monteiro Aché Instruction and Training Center, also in Rio de Janeiro, and will serve on board submarines.


Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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