Argentina’s energy policy deviation ?

The new Minister of Energy, Javier Iguacel, had four days of meetings with his peers in Washington, where he assured them that Argentina’s energy policy will not change after the departure of Aranguren, at least for US investors in oil.

However, he announced a plan to deepen the investment and restructure the energy policy. Among the highlights of this plan, there is a structural reform that allows focusing on research, development and innovation in nuclear energy.

Iguacel will turn the CNEA into a private institute with state ownership and contributions from the provincial, municipal and private sectors. In this climate he also stressed that Argentina has the opportunity to be one of the protagonists of the energy revolution of the 21st century.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Energy will make changes in the legal framework for these companies to stop financing the National Treasury , and before this, Delao remarked that “the company is self-sustaining, and the National Treasury only depends on the management unit and projection of life, both in Embalse and Atucha I “.

Between the reduction of the management structure and the cancellation of the construction of nuclear power plants Atucha III and Atucha IV, workers find the situation as part of a “rude adjustment” and without a legitimate cause. “Magically, after the negotiations with the IMF they began to question the negotiations with China , which were going to provide the funds for the construction of plants 4 and 5. That is why we assume that it is a foreign interest that China does not have a nuclear plant in South America. On the other hand are the business with the thermoelectric, which in inputs are energies that are made quickly, but with a very high cost that in turn is transferred to the electricity and gas bills that we all pay-While Iguacel assured that there will be no adjustments in the tariff scheme in 2019-. On the other hand, nuclear energy, in terms of generation costs, is much lower than those of a thermoelectric power plant, “Delao concluded.


Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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