Artificial Intelligence to detect the time of death!?

Artificial Intelligence could help predict the time of death within one year!

With the help of artificial intelligence, the Standard ECG test can detect the cause of the possible death of a patient within one year.

Artificial Intelligence is a very short and simple word, but the possibilities of human life are hidden behind it. Artificial Intelligence is used in almost every heavy machine in the world, from heavy technologies to nanotechnologies. With its help, significant research has been conducted all over the world.

Artificial Intelligence has made many impossible tasks possible. It can also be said that it is possible to do the things which humans are not able to do, using AI.

A recent study revealed that with the help of AI, the standard death of any patient can be detected within a year by performing a standard ECG Test.

A research Team at Geisinger Health System located in Pennsylvania, USA, conducted 1.77 M ECG tests on nearly 40,000 patients to conclude the research. When all the facts were tested during the research the results were very shocking and very accurate.

The biggest breakthrough was that the patients whose ECG tests were considered normal by doctors, in those reports of ECG, AI managed to find nuances of the problem. With the help of this technique, it will be much easier to examine the ECG results in the future in subtle details.

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