Capgemini focuses on AI for global expansion

French business IT services provider “Capgemini” set its medium-term targets for global expansion to focus on Artificial Intelligence and customer experience; as more companies are turning their operations digital.

“The group is ideally positioned to take advantage of the fast-expanding use of technology across industries,” a statement released ahead of Capgemini’s Capital markets day. “We aim to become the strategic partner of chief experience officers in our chosen industries,” said Aiman Ezzat, CEO of Capgemini.

The Paris-based group disclosed that it expects an operating margin of 14% by 2025, compared to the forecast range of 12.5%-13.0% first announced in 2015 and reiterated over the years. The company’s revenue, which operates in nearly 50 countries, is predicted to increase by an average of 7%-9% each year until 2025.

Shares in the company, offering IT services to industries including Telecommunication and aerospace, with clients ranging from the German drugmaker Bayer, Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz to the Swedish army, tumbled almost 30% during the first two months of the global coronavirus outbreak last year.

But the stock has been on a steeply rising curve ever since. It’s picked up 150% since the slump and 15% so far in 2021! The shift to artificial intelligence will set up the company’s future in this tech-dominated arena.

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