CEA transfers more nuclear technology to China


On Nov.14, the vice-premier of the State Council of China, Mr. Ma Kai, and French Minister of Finance, Mr. Michel Sapin, hosted the Fourth Sino-French High-level Dialogue of Economy and Finance. During the event, both sides reiterated to support the peaceful use and development of the nuclear energy and to further implemented the nuclear cooperation. French spokesman stated that CEA transfers more nuclear technology to China and the government also supports EDF to assist in the Generic Design Assessment of the Hualong No.1 (HPR 1000).


Besides, the President of the China General Nuclear Group (CGN) Mr. He Yu and the General Administrator of CEA Daniel Verwaerde signed the Letter of Intent of for the overall cooperative framework under the witness of the vice-premier Ma Kai.


According to the Letter of Intent, China and France will explore the cooperation in the aspects of the conceptual design of the 4th Generation nuclear power, the severe accident, the testing facilities and the nuclear fuel cycle as well as the training of the professional talents etc. And they also agree to start the substantial project in the soonest possible and accumulate much more experience in the R&D field.


The CEA indicated the ambition for France to remain in the Chinese market and to increase the technology transfer. The French industry and authorities know that either the country will partner with China and keep a shrinking market share, not only in the mainland, but globally, or let a giant competitor grow and acquire factories and companies.


As for China, taping into the Made in France, is not only a guarantee to access to the only country that has been investing in the nuclear technology since the 70’s but to create a cheap back office for its international activities.

As a reminder, a French media revealed on November 22, that CNNC is going to inject 400 Million Euros in the nuclear fuel activity of Areva, renamed “ Newco”.

Source: URL http://www.heneng.net.cn/index.php?mod=news&action=show&article_id=43344&category_id=7


Elaine Li

Elaine Li

Elaine Li (李益楠) is Marketing Manager for the Chinese Market. With ten years of experience in the nuclear power market, Elaine is experts for the certification of safety equipment (HAF 604 and 601) and marketing intelligence.
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