Future of the nuclear power in Armenia

Armen Sargsyan, President of the Republic of Armenia, attended the Forum “New Energy for the Middle East” in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,  held as part of the World Economic Forum conference on the Middle East and North Africa.

The President spoke about the energy sources existing in the modern world, the future of nuclear power in Armenia, and the use of renewable energy sources.

“Nuclear energy is important and has a great future in Armenia. We used to burn coal, today we are trying to have a completely green and delightful future. The question is, will nuclear energy be a part of it, or not? In my personal opinion, it should be because it will speed up this process. Nobody has done a mathematical calculation of the damage we cause to the planet, the environment, and the climate by burning fossil fuel. The damage to the climate will have a tremendous impact on the planet, ”said Sargsyan.

“Armenia, like many countries, has a strictly balanced energy portfolio, starting from a nuclear power plant. This station built during the Soviet era, which had worked generally for all these years, remained intact after two massive earthquakes.

As an energy source, he spoke of water. “I want to talk about water as a natural resource. It is critical. All countries that talked about owning abundant natural resources were rich in sun, wind, oil, but not water. Meanwhile, water is vital, because in 50-100 years it will be a source of energy. We will use it not only for drinking but also for creating energy”.

“I consider Armenia a part of the Middle East. Although Armenia does not have oil and gas, however, it has excellent water resources. Unfortunately, we probably use 10-20 percent of our water reserves, and the rest is spent. Water is essential, ”said the President of the Armenian Republic”.

“We must carry out parallel actions: not only fight against the use of coal but also use oil and gas more correctly, use renewable energy, hydropower, nuclear energy and make the most of new technologies, manage data, since we don’t have much time, ”he concluded”.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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