Mexico and Russia relationship in science and technology

The Russian embassy in Mexico stressed that the bilateral relationship between both nations in the area of ​​science and technology has great potential.

The bilateral relations between Mexico and Russia in the scientific-technical area are based on the Intergovernmental Agreement signed on May 20, 1996 in Mexico. One of the last scientific-technical cooperation programs between Russia and Mexico foresees 18 joint projects that are in the process of being executed.

Closer contacts are being made in the area of ​​the use of nuclear energy. One example is that in December 2013 the Intergovernmental Agreement for Collaboration in the Field of the Use of Nuclear Energy for Peaceful Purposes was signed between the United Mexican States and the Russian Federation. In addition, there are prospects for cooperation with other Mexican organizations, including the Secretariats of the National Defense (Sedena) and the Navy of Mexico (Semar) in the area of ​​application and use of the GLONASS system, the remote survey of the Earth, the creation of new spacecraft and other areas.

Projects such as the creation of small satellites for monitoring the surface of the Earth have been successfully carried out over the last five years. This technology was carried out between the Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Scobelcín Physical-Nuclear Research Institute, by the Russian side, and the National Commission of Science and Technology and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), by the Mexican part.

In particular, on August 17, 2009, the second Russian-Mexican satellite “Tatiana-2” was launched. The launch of the third satellite “Mikhailo Lomonosov” weighing 500 kilograms is in preparation stage. A second project is the mathematical and experimental simulations of the complex biological processes carried out by the Moscow State University Lomonosov and the Autonomous University of the State of Puebla. While a third refers to the new methods of diagnosis and cure of oncological diseases, carried out by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the condensed matter center of the UNAM in Ensenada; Baja California

The last project points to applicable mathematical methods for the analysis of large computerized systems made by the Calculation Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Autonomous University of the City of Morelos. The most important results of these projects were achieved in the creation of satellites for monitoring the surface of the Earth, in the investigations of ultra-high energy space rays. In addition, in the works of control of economic losses during the transportation of oil and gas, as well as in the investigations in the area of ​​treatment of oncological diseases.

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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