Overview of the nuclear energy in Brazil in one week

Between October 15 and 19, the Polytechnic School and Coppe / UFRJ promoted the VI Week of Nuclear Engineering(SEN), a meeting that aimed to provide integration and debate among the sectors related to Engineering, Physics and Nuclear Energy in Brazil, as well as being an appropriate space for the development, learning and development of innovation capacity. The activities, open to the public took place at the Technology Center of UFRJ, on the Island of Fundão.

Organized by undergraduate students in Nuclear Engineering from the Department of Nuclear Engineering (DNC) of Poli-UFRJ and graduate students of the Nuclear Engineering Program (PEN) of COPPE / UFRJ, the discussions planned on the current panorama of nuclear energy in Brazil; use of nuclear technology, in addition to energy; nuclear energy of the future; and the role of R & D institutions in the sector.

According to Paulo Frutuoso, coordinator of the COPPE / UFRJ Nuclear Engineering Program, the event was a unique opportunity for students to interact with professionals and companies that invest in the industry for nuclear energy in Brazil, such as Eletronuclear, Nuclep, Rosatom, Westinghouse, Framatome and Marinha do Brasil.

NβN Tip : The list of presentations is available to download here.

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid

Aasem Abuzeid is the Director for MENA Region. He acts as a leading marketer in Arabic-speaking countries. He is also the COO and lead-developer of NBN.
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