India will use TVS-2M nuclear fuel

Rosatom established TVEL Fuel Company in order to provide the best management and scientific structure in the Russian nuclear fuel cycle, to improve the effectiveness of the fuel production and to guarantee its competiveness in the global market. TVEL is included in the Fuel Division and combines enterprises in the nuclear fuel fabrication, uranium conversion and enrichment, manufacturing of gas centrifuges, as well as research and development and design organizations.

Mr. Oleg A. Grigoryev, Vice President of TVEL recently declared that Russia is negotiating with India the terms of delivery of the TVS-2m nuclear fuel. Currently the Kudankulam Nuclear power plant is using UTVS nuclear fuel and will switch to TVS-2M.

India wanted to increase uranium capacity, to improve heat reliability and enhance operational safety. R

TVS-2M is the latest nuclear fuel for reactors VVER-1000. TVEL claims this new type of fuel increases technical and economical characteristics of the nuclear power plant:

  • Extension of the fuel cycle,
  • Increase the capacity of the power generated,
  • Raise the fuel burn-up,
  • Decrease the fuel operating limitations
Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre

Arnaud Lefevre is the Chief Executive Officer of Dynatom International. Arnaud is in charge of the international development of the business portfolio.
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